
100 Best Social Media Marketing Techniques

26. Recommend your favorite products: If you’re an e-commerce site, share a list of your top sellers or highest-rated products. If you’re a service provider, share a list of the products that help you succeed in your business.

27. Share random tips: Periodically post a random tip or trick your followers would find useful. Hint: using random tip numbers adds interest to your post (e.g. Tip #256: __________)

28. Link to your most popular blog post: Give a brief intro to the post and explain why it’s your most read and shared post.

29. Provide a recommendation:Share the love by recommending a business you’ve worked with successfully in the past.

30. Share a work/life balance tip: Your social media followers want to know you’re a real person with the same struggles as them. Share a tip you’ve learned for balancing work, life and family.

31. Ask for advice: Pose a hypothetical question and ask your followers what they would do in that situation.

32. Take a trip down memory lane: Share photos of old logos, websites or your very first product.

33. Random posts that show you’re a real person: For instance, what you had for dinner last night or what you’re doing this weekend.

34. Share popular Reddit topic: Visit Reddit’s Trending Subreddit page to find popular and trending topics to post about.

35. Recommend someone else to follow on social media: Share a link to someone else’s social media profile and encourage your fans to ‘like’ or follow them.

36. Share a Pinterest board: If your customers are on Pinterest (hint: if your demographic is educated, high-income females, they probably are), share a Pinterest board via Facebook or Twitter.

37. Share a comic or meme: Getting your customers to laugh with you is a great way to start building relationships.

38. Post a video testimonial: Share a video review; or better yet, ask your social media followers to submit their own video testimonials.

39. Recommend a colleague on LinkedIn: Encourage your connections to reach out to someone who acts as a valuable resource for your business.

40. Hold a photo contest: Ask for photo submissions and then get your fans to vote. Share the winning photos, too!

41. Share a trending Twitter topic:Use Topsy to find content that’s popular and trending on Twitter.

42. Hold a debate on social media:This can go downhill pretty quickly, so be sure to stay on top of it!

43. ‘Caption this’: Post a photo and ask your fans to come up with creative or funny captions.

44. YouTube video: Find a cute or inspirational video and promote it to your fans or followers.

45. Tag another Facebook page:Generate some good karma by helping to promote another business.

46. Share breaking industry news:Stay on stop of what’s going on in your industry or niche by using Google Alerts.

47. Share country-specific holidays:Wish your followers from around the world happy holidays (a full list of worldwide holidays can be found here).

48. Share (and ask for) predictions:For instance, “I predict that Germany will win the World Cup. Who do you think will win?”.

49. Offer a free e-book: Build your email list while generating some goodwill with your fans.

50. Ask for questions: Let your fans ask you anything.

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