The following list covers pretty much everything you could possibly post on social media. From personal, to business-related, to promotional posts, this list will keep you inspired for a long time.
1. Quotes: Humorous, inspiring or motivational quotes always perform well.
2. Fill-in-the-blank posts (e.g. “If I had $1 million I would _________”)
3. Polls: While Facebook offers built-in polls, I find running them manually works best for boosting engagement (e.g. “Which of these books is your favorite?”)
4. Behind-the-scenes photos: Take candid shots of yourself, your employees, or snap a shot of your office or workspace.
5. Statistics or data: Share new, relevant industry statistics (these perform great in terms of retweets and shares)
6. Post a link to an old blog post: There’s nothing wrong with recycling, and old posts will gain new engagement, extending their life.
7. Questions: Pose simple, basic questions that your followers can answer quickly.
8. Link to a guest post: Share (or re-share) a link to a post you contributed to another site. If you’re interested in learning how and why guest blogging should be part of your online strategy.
9. Post a branded image: Post a funny or inspirational image with your logo or website URL on it.
10. Infographics: Find an infographic your followers would appreciate.
11. Product photos: Work best on sites like Pinterest or Instagram. Think about how you can add a unique angle to the shots (e.g. an employee actually using the product, a customer-submitted photo, etc.).
12. Photos that have nothing to do with your products or business:Instead, they convey the feeling behind your brand. For instance, how Starbucks shares photos on Instagram to associate their brand with sunshine, warmth, and good friends (not just coffee).
13. Behind-the-scenes product shots: Photos of your products being manufactured or sourced.
14. Link to a controversial blog post: There’s nothing better for eliciting engagement than a little controversy.
15. Ask for input on your products:Your followers will love giving their thoughts on how to improve your products.
16. Let Pinterest inspire you:Pinterest is a goldmine in terms of finding beautiful images you can share (particularly images with quotes). Just be sure to give proper credit.
17. Share a helpful resource: If you’re truly concerned about sharing the most useful info with your followers, don’t be afraid to direct them to other people’s valuable content (not just your own).
18. Post a Slideshare presentation:If you want to find one that’s already proven itself to be popular, go to the ‘Trending in Social Media’ section at the bottom of the Slideshare homepage.
19. Link to a case study: Case studies are great for delivering useful info in a way that’s often more palatable and actionable than a standard blog post.
20. Link to an industry-related IFTTT recipe: Haven’t heard of IFTTT(short for If This Then That)? You need to check it out. Then share a link to a recipe your followers would find useful.
21. Ask for reviews or testimonials:Eliciting reviews from fans or followers is one of the best ways to get testimonials you can use as social proof on your website.
22. Fan photos: Search for hashtags related to your business or products, and share a customer photo on Facebook, Instagram or Pinterest.
23. Recommend a tool: Share a (preferably free) tool or resource you think your followers would find useful.
24. Share a favorite book: Similar to #23, share a book recommendation your fans or followers would appreciate.
25. A day in the life post: Give a recap of a typical day in the life of a graphic designer, author, CEO, etc.
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